February 10, 2022 – Tampa, FL – I’m heading into a quick jaunt on the bike in Tampa, Florida the next few days.
I’m chasing down a couple of stories, including some history, on baseball legend Babe Ruth and trying to find a woman who has performed as a mermaid the past six decades; the word is she even swam for Elvis.
Algernon at the Marriott Hotel saved the day. Landed Tuesday night and found Tampa International is the only airport without large-item storage. Got the police involved with no luck and then dragged the bike box to the Marriott next door and Algernon said he would tuck it away for me until I leave.
– Initially, I thought Algernon’s name was Al and it was a Godwink that my Dad was following me on the trip.
– The name reminded me of the story Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.
– Spent the night at Tampa International; it was very Tom Hanks and “The Terminal.” FYI – the maintenance guys know the quietest nooks to curl up and sleep.
Pedaling out of the airport the next day I consulted an officer about a side road. He was gruff. “You didn’t plan did you?” I said, “That takes all the adventure out.”

What’s the weather in Wisconsin? Same here… or thereabout. Let’s just say I’m wearing earmuffs and blue jeans while biking and I found a glove on the road and I’m wearing it.
Upper Suncoast Bike Trail runs north out of the Tampa area and parallel to Hwy 589.
The path is paved and to the left are beautiful estates, and Starkey Park and Moon Lake Park.

Very cute Twistee Treat in Bayonet Point. Owners have had it for 29 years. The Lady ahead of me in line ordered a hot chocolate because it was so cold. Temp was 61 degrees.
I logged about 50 miles from Tampa to Bayonet Point. Camped at Warren Boyce State Park. I’ll use “camp” loosely. Google said there was camping. Come to find out, Google is wrong and the park rangers have tried to change it but they’ve had no luck.
in a conversation with the ranger, they said the closest camping park was a 20-minute drive. So about 28 miles in biking terms.
I tried a church on the way into town. The pastor declined a request to camp in their back 40. “We’re surrounded by woods,” he said. “The homeless come out at night and we’ve had a lot of security issues.”
The park ranger confirmed Bayonet Point was frequently featured on the TV show Cops.
The ranger agreed to a Plan B and I was grateful for another option.
This was my view last night.
I’ve been intrigued lately by YouTube videos on winter camping; it looks exciting. When temps dropped just below 40 last night I found it wasn’t.
My quarters at the State Park.
It’s actually an observation deck and public restrooms. Pretty upscale. It’s no wonder I travel alone.
Sunrise this morning from the observation deck, just outside my bathroom suite. Awesome!
Moving on to find Babe Ruth’s fishing village and the famous mermaids.
Ruth believed he was a year older than he really was for most of his life.
“For decades Ruth believed that his birthday was February 7, 1894. However, when he applied for a passport before sailing to Japan with an all-star team of ballplayers after the 1934 season, he looked up his birth certificate and found his birthday listed as February 6, 1895, nearly a full year later than he had believed. Ruth, however, continued to celebrate February 7 as his birthday and did not shave a year off his age.” Klein, C., (2014, July 11) 10 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About Babe Ruth history.com https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-babe-ruth
Have I not commanded you? … Be strong and courageous. … Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
The 2022 Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s is raising money this year for music programming for seniors at Cedar Community, a 501c3, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Donate via the secure website through Cedar Community. Donations should be marked “Amazing Ride 2021.” Click HERE to make a secure online donation.
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Be sure to include the Federal Tax ID Number for the Foundation: 39-1249432
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Cedar Community is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible.