.....The BiKeWriTeR

Call Me Trouble

More adventure…..
“Terrance” let me flop in a building on campus.  Great til the cleaning crew busted me at 5 a.m.  Yup – I bailed.
Terrance stopped me about a half mile out with his lights going.  We got our story straight.  Hope he doesn’t get in trouble.   
——–Another note received while on the road in response to above story:
 “He’s a hottie, maybe he would like to tandem”    ~Mary

Just got done with a 22-mile ride in the back of a pickup. Tennessee is NOT bike friendly – way too dangerous. Sitting at the Chamber in Savannah, Tenn. and regrouping. Trying to make it 50 miles up the road to Lexington. They say the roads are better here on out…
Safety first – Steffes”
“Did you hit Lexington!!!!! Beautiful area.  maybe not when the roads are treacherous.”    ~Mary
“Only made it to Adamsville, but LOVING IT!  Toured 2 fabulous museums, staying at a motel that hasn’t climbed out of the 50s and I spent the last hour talking to the 91-year-old owner who once had Elvis as a guest.  She’s inspiring, and challenged me to try chocolate gravy and biscuits tomorrow.  Don’t want to leave, or day to end.”  
And one more note…. from Brien:
“Are you still alive?  Looks like it, based on  YOUR BLOGwhich is awesome!  Keep it up.  You’ll be a feature on Sunday Morning with Charles What’s-His-Face in no time.  Seriously.  Cool stuff.  Great writing.  Excellent experiences (although the bed begs are a bit hard to read about).  Best of luch to you in your ongoing “adventure” and BE CAREFUL!!  (Sorry, I’m a dad now, y’know.  Keep on bikin’ and take care!”

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