TheBiKeWriTer | Interesting notes from the road
So much adventure on a bike. I would highly recommend it. The Ark Encounter exceeded my expectations in terms of size and detail and creativity. The Creation Museum was thought
So much adventure on a bike. I would highly recommend it. The Ark Encounter exceeded my expectations in terms of size and detail and creativity. The Creation Museum was thought
Do the zipline they said. It’ll be fun they said. So I saved it for last at The Ark Encounter in WIlliamstown, KY. Tuesday was a hot day to pull
Exploring row after row of headstones in Park Cemetery in Fairmount, IN, the childhood home of legendary actor James Dean. Wouldn’t you know it, the only one I wanted to
Wrapped up a hot day on the road with 88 miles; just 4 miles short of getting into Oxford, OH. But I was losing my light and people were heavy
Indiana is a deceptively long state and I decided it was time to buckle down and grind out some miles… and then a maintenance issue hit and became priority No.
Mother Nature was definitely in charge Thursday as a strong northerly wind punched me in the face as I pedaled south out of Hammond, IN on the Erie Lackawanna Trail.
It was the coyote fight that woke me at 4:30 a.m. It was loud and very West Side Story. The Jets would strike and the Sharks would lunge. It was
Chicago you are definitely a butt burner. Wove my way from Zion, IL through Chicago and drifted into Indiana in such a stealth fashion I didn’t even know I crossed