.....The BiKeWriTeR

The Word on the Traveling Elvis Exhibit

First, the promised note on the Elvis exhibit, then I’ll update you on the Clinton library visit — (See previous post picture HERE.)


A traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institute is on display at the Clinton Library through September.

“Elvis at 21” features black-and-white photographs by Alfred Wertheimer. Hired in 1956 at age 26, Wertheimer was instructed to exclusively shoot promotional images of the rising star.

“First of all, he made the girls cry, and second he permitted closeness,” said Wertheimer.

The photos captured an intimate Elvis, sitting in a train car with a phonograph on his lap, or in a rare instance, standing alone in a train station – unrecognized. There were photos of Elvis lying on a couch using a pile of fan mail as a pillow; a bunch of letters torn to bits, lying on a table in the foreground. “I’m not going to carry them with me,” said Elvis. “I’ve read them and seen what’s in them and it’s nobody else’s business.”

While in the Elvis exhibit, a woman said her husband busted her out for crying as she looked at the photos. “I mean he’s been dead since 1977,” said the husband

Guys just don’t get the impact of Elvis.

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