You know you’re close to Rome, Italy, when….

You know you’re getting close to Rome when a nun in full habit passes you on her motor scooter.

Logged about 65 miles today in heavy traffic. Imagine pedaling on I-94 during rush-hour traffic. Yes, it was legal; the only way to get there without hopping the train and scared the “buhjesus” outta me, but I made it.

During a quick lunch break at a corner cafe along the highway, a team of Italian bikers riding cross country took great interest in my tour and…. lifting my bike. “Oofda!” they said, taking turns and then posing for pictures.

My mapping angel, Valerio. He’s 32, born in Rome, and pedaled me to the campsite as I was muddled and running out of steam.

Tomorrow — ROME!

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