Busy Day in Halifax

I love air travel. It’s so hassle free. (Just kidding.)
It was a whirlwind type of day that I’ll highlight in some photos:

Nancy was a volunteer at the Halifax airport who helped me while I rebuilt my
bike. I finally arrived around 10:45 a.m. Saturday after another setback.  Nancy, another agent, Anne, and Lucy were all extremely helpful today…. Despite the delays.

Fabulous tour of the Maritime Museum in downtown Halifax.  Lots of great history and artifacts about the Titanic and the huge explosion in downtown Halifax in 1917.

Visited the wonderful Farmers” Market in Halifax. Here’s a bit of a Peter-Pan
view. The market has two levels and full until 8 p.m.

Some local art across from the Maritime Museum

Kids climbing sculpture

I could sit and watch this all day. It’s right along the boardwalk.  No kid
could walk past without trying it and some adults too.
Staying with my host family Jane and Eric tonight.  
Headed north tomorrow morning. 

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