Saturday Photos from the Road; South of Genova

Riding through rice paddies
Church in San Giovanni Battista

Coast in Genova

Camping tonight just south of Genova. The camp site was located conveniently up a 2k hill. I climbed until the hill wouldn’t quit and neither would the sun. 

Funny the sign at the entrance said, €6 for one person but the charge was €13. It’s €7 for the tent, even if you brought your own.  

Done for the day. I’m sure I’m still a little jet lagged and just pushing itEarly to bed with my little fan; it’s the one small luxury I carry on the trip – and totally worth it. 

A big shout out of thanks to all my sponsors.  Without you we would not be able to have such a significant impact on Alzheimer’s in the community.

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