VIDEO | I was feeling a little bit jumpy as I took the first bite

August 7, 2021 –  Bardwell, KY – Crossed from Tennessee into Kentucky around 9:15 a.m. on Friday.

Stopped for dinner. I can’t say it was love at first bite. (see video below)

Aaah…Kentucky. Rolling hills, beautiful green scenery, and dog chases. Never just one; always 3 coming after you at one time.

Between hill climbs and dog sprints, I sure did earn my groceries today. So I explored my options after 45 miles of road and the 51 Grill in Bardwell caught my attention.


Three frogs. Six legs total. Lightly breaded. Not too salty. Lot more meat than I expected. White meat; a little stringy at times. Not fishy. Yes… like you expected… tastes like chicken.

The peach dumpling pie was homemade. It was warm in the bowl and perfect with a cold scoop of vanilla ice cream. Simply the best. Lots of sugar.

I could have had a peach dumpling chaser but instead treated my new friend Carolyn to a slice. She was 84 and playing solitaire on a tablet by herself at a table in the corner.

I asked if I could join her and she eagerly said yes. Carolyn was black and blue above her left eye. “Broke my glasses when I fell,” she said, pointing to the missing arm on the left side.

Carolyn was retired from working at the local ambulance company. She said her daughter was a nurse. She was working when Elvis died. “They closed all the other doors on that floor when they brought him in,” she said.

For such a tiny woman Carolyn had an unanticipated 32-ounce styrofoam glass of tea sitting on the table to her right. The glass almost dwarfed her… until her Friday fish Fry was served and then she peered out front behind that.

Carolyn watched me eat the somewhat greasy frog’s legs, dipping them in ranch dressing. “Doesn’t look like you’ll need that to-go box,” she said.

Hat tip to Pam and Jen from The diner in Columbus. They let me sit for a bit after a couple dog chases and a surprise gravel road.

And Chad at the auto repair shop who set me up right by the big fan in the shop to cool off and have a cold bottle of water.

Saturday it is onto Illinois.

Have I not commanded you? …  Be strong and courageous. … Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

The 2021 Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s is raising money this year for music programming for seniors at Cedar Community, a 501c3, so all donations are tax-deductible.

Donate via the secure website through Cedar Community.  Donations should be marked “Amazing Ride 2021.” Click HERE to make a secure online donation.

Checks may be made payable to “Cedar Community Foundation” with “Judy Bike Ride” in the memo line and mailed to 113 Cedar Ridge Dr., West Bend, WI 53095

Be sure to include the Federal Tax ID Number for the Foundation: 39-1249432

You may also find a downloadable donation form HERE.

Cedar Community is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible.

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